Does cost me any money?
Travelers use GuestSwap for FREE.....always! We don’t charge guests one penny, not now, not ever! Now, “OTHER” booking sites out there might charge ‘convenience fees’ or other add-on charges, but not GUESTSWAP! Hotels pay us $1 a day to be able to connect with travelers like you which is a huge benefit for them because they don't have to pay the high commissions or markups 'OTHER’ websites charge them, so they save money too! We think charging commissions to hotels is an outdated and silly thing to do and it is time for something different. That’s why we created the company and why we exist - to serve both guests and hotels!
Can I book a flight or bundle a hotel, flight and transportation all together using GuestSwap?
GUESTSWAP is an accommodation-only, communication-focused, operation. Therefore, we believe you can do 1 thing brilliantly or you can try to do 1,000 things and end up doing them in an average manner. So, we will stick with what works best. GuestSwap knows Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Rentals, Inns, Bed and Breakfasts, Motor Lodges, and just about any other name for any overnight accommodation! We are very passionate about the lodging industry and about our Guests!
How old do I have to be to book a room?
TECHNICALLY....This is a simple question most hotels simply get wrong. Typically, once you are 18 years of age, you are considered an ‘adult’. If a property tries to block an ‘adult’ from renting a room, based purely on age as the deciding factor, they may find themselves in difficult territory with possible legal implications of denying a room. However, some hotels have protection under certain laws known as Innkeeper’s Rights Acts. Unlike "Other" websites, GuestSwap does not have an age limit associated with renting a room. The local property you want to stay at may however. Any age requirements by the hotel, are decided by the hotel only.
How many people can I have in a hotel room?
GOOD QUESTION! The answer will vary based on the hotel room design and the locality and its codes. Generally speaking, while laws vary, occupancy is based on the number of people who can sleep in the bed(s) in a room. A King Bed Room, for example, is designed for 2 people, thus that room may have a maximum of just two persons. A room with two beds typically sleeps 4, thus a maximum of four might apply. Some hotels have a policy of 2 per bed plus one additional guest for sleeper sofas or rollaway beds. If you need to have several people in your room, please be sure to make that a request/requirement for your stay so that the hotel knows this.
Can I request a specific bed type?
ABSOLUTELY! GuestSwap is about communicating YOUR needs, YOUR requirements and YOUR preferences to hotels. No matter what is important to you, be it bed type, floor location, near an elevator (or away from it), or having a room with extra towels – you will be able to pick and choose what’s important to you and tell hotels so that they know.
Can I check in early?
USUALLY! Unless the property was sold out the night before with no rooms available, there is almost always a chance to check in early. GuestSwap allows you to communicate that you have an early check in need to the hotel(s) you are considering. Please keep in mind that things can and often do change in the hospitality industry and, it is possible that the night before you arrive, the property DOES sell out and all rooms (or at least the room type you wanted), are/is now dirty, which would change the ability of the hotel to offer an early check in to you.
I am a member of a Hotel Rewards club. How do I get my points?
EASY! Simply tell the hotel which program you are a member of! They will enter your data for you in their system or, if you aren't a member of their program, they may ask you to join theirs so that you get points or rewards. “OTHER” travel websites typically offer such low-low rates in hotel reservations, that often hotels don't want to honor points programs if you book on those other sites. GOOD NEWS HOWEVER - this is NOT the case with GuestSwap since you are communicating directly with the hotel(s) you might stay with and agreeing to a rate that would qualify for such programs!
Does GuestSwap have a points or frequent user program?
NOPE. We don’t, but maybe in the future.
What if I have a SAME DAY RESERVATION need?
WE HEAR YOU! Sometimes you need to book a room - AND - check into it, the very same day. We understand that, and so do Hotels! Hotel occupancies can and do change, sometimes wildly in one day. One thing is for sure - Hotels love to sell out and we will let them know that your inquiry is a hot one and needs attention, pronto, especially if it is for the same day you book it!
Does GuestSwap offer lowest price guarantees for rooms booked on the site?
NOPE. Why? Unlike “OTHER” travel booking sites, we aren’t focused on posting low rated hotel rooms online. Instead, we connect travelers and hotels with one another and spur hotels to compete for your next stay. Since each reservation is tailored for you in an ‘offer’ type format (i.e., the room, location of the room within the hotel, package items, benefits, upgrades and add-ons) will all differ each time. Add in seasonality, hotel occupancy, and how focused the hotel team is on delivering great service; hotels are likely customizing a rate for you around your particular budget, your request, your needs and or other circumstances that will be different than any other guest. So, while you may end up with a low rate in the end, more importantly, we want to be sure there was VALUE for your reservation, and THAT will always differ from guest to guest and why we don't offer lowest rate guarantees.
How do I tell hotels exactly what my requests are?
EASY! First, there are the request preferences that you select when you set up your profile on GuestSwap. Another way is by selecting the requests or needs that are important to you for a particular trip when you are planning it on our site which is then shared with the hotels when you press submit. With each trip you take, you can always select whatever is important for you, for that particular upcoming stay, or you can keep your preferences always the same and default to your profile choices. In addition to those, during the process of communicating with hotels, you can also share your needs with them again directly. Based on our count, that’s 3 ways to do it, and much more than “OTHER” travel websites.
How do I mention a new or additional request of a hotel – after – I have requested a potential booking?
THATS EASY! You simply communicate within the platform and send word to the hotel directly by sending them a message. Either way, GuestSwap has your back. You will see that our site redefines the importance of communication between guests and hotels.
What if I book with a hotel and, when I get there, what if I have complaints?
EASY! Once you are at the hotel, on-site management should be your first point of contact. They own or operate the facility and are responsible for your satisfaction. They have a responsibility to meet and exceed your expectations. After all, that’s what hospitality is all about, or it should be. However, we know that things can and do happen and we are here during and after this entire process. Quite frankly, we want you to come back and rely on us again in the future - and, therefore, GuestSwap has the goal of a successful experience for ALL parties involved. Please reach out to us if there is an issue so that we are aware of it and can work with you to help resolve it. Hotels that are found to not be in keeping with a high standard of ethics and integrity or the service level expected for our users, will not be welcome on our site very long.
What are my hotel payment options?
WHATEVER THE HOTEL TAKES! You will be paying the hotel directly – but only if you decide to accept their offer. To safeguard your privacy, compliance, and to keep your data and financial information always firmly in your control and in your possession, GuestSwap does not take, store or use your credit card information - in any way, whatsoever, at any time, ever. Some hotels require payment upfront or have deposit requirements. The deposit amount if any, and when it is due, varies by hotel and should be disclosed to you during the booking process. Other hotels handle the collection of payment during check in and or check out, in their local currency. Accepted debit / credit cards will vary by hotel.
What taxes will I be paying?
IT DEPENDS. Depending on where you book, you will likely pay for some sort of tax. This could be a sales tax, or a local room tax imposed by a city, county, state or other organization that promotes tourism in that area. If you are traveling internationally, you may come across a Value Added Tax (VAT) or a Goods and Services Tax (GST). Some hotels, especially international properties, may have a rate that is inclusive of taxes, as opposed to one with rate plus taxes as additional expenses, as is typical in the United States. There are also potential excise tax(es), use tax(es) and other “fees” identified as ‘taxes’, that are paid to the hotel or the booking sites in connection with your reservation and all will vary. Unlike “OTHER” booking sites which add fees or ‘taxes’ in order to cover some of their services that they state they provide to you -- GUESTSWAP DOES NOT RETAIN ANY COMPENSATION, TAX OR FEE that you pay to anyone tied to your reservation. Any fee or tax is strictly between you and the hotel and it’s relative taxing authority, directly.
What if I need to cancel my reservation with a hotel after I have accepted an offer?
EASY ENOUGH. Once you accept the offer, all the details are shown in your trip agenda, and you should contact the hotel directly because you have a confirmed reservation. The hotel’s cancellation policy is set by the hotel, so please be aware of what it is. If you are unable to stay and are unable to reach anyone to cancel within the policies they have, just know you aren’t alone, we are here to help! Please let us know if you are having trouble contacting the hotel by contacting us, and we will assist!
What if I notice that I have typo’d something or my name isn’t spelled correctly?
EASY! First, log into your GuestSwap account and edit your profile and make the change that you need to if it is here. This stops the issue from happening in the future on other bookings you might make. The hotel may have the wrong information and, if that is the case, don't worry, they always verify your reservation details during check in and will gladly make the change once you get there!
What should I know about Star Ratings?
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN....Let us stand on our soap box for a moment…there is confusion on ‘star ratings’ for hotels and what they mean. First, please note, there is no standard star rating for hotels, that is universally accepted, in the United States or around the world. You may have seen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and even 7-star hotel ratings - depending on the hotel and where you were traveling. Some ‘Stars’ are made up by the hotel, some are created by counties or regions in various different countries, some of them are based on service scores as an average of total guest feedback and others are purely voluntarily given by an owner to appear better or more luxurious than another property with a lesser star count! Some of these star ratings are locally driven in an effort to balance out the differences between a lot of cookie cutter hotel designs. Some stars are simply ‘made up’ so that the hotel appears to be the highest ranked type of hotel you’ve ever heard of. You should not solely rely on star ratings for a booking. When looking at stars or the number of stars a hotel has, just keep all this in mind and consider them as potentially biased insight as to the level of expected quality, service or amenities the hotel will offer. We advise you check the type of hotel it is, the name or brand it is affiliated with, their reputation online and any other public feedback to verify the claims made. Sorry for the soap box speech, we are passionate about hotels and about this issue. Now let us put that soap box away….
Does GuestSwap allow me to give feedback on Hotels I’ve selected?
NOPE. We are a two-party based communications platform, which is what differentiates us from "OTHER" booking websites. Your experience is going to be unique to you, tailored by the hotel for you and likely to be unlike any other guest's stay. The details of your stay may not even be commonplace. For example, you might be offered one-time deals, specials, offers, even special offers, maybe negotiated rates, one time only room upgrades, etc. One experience is not going to be the same for another for lots of reasons. Things like service, quality and cleanliness, however, ARE an expectation. If a hotel does not meet an expectation, talk with the hotel first to try to resolve the issue. We welcome ALL feedback because it helps us ensure OUR hotel partners are providing a high standard to all of our guests. If your experience was unsatisfactory and the hotel has not or will not work with you to correct it, then we suggest using Trip Advisor(R), where you can post your feedback directly for all to see. This actually impacts those hotels greater than a local rating on our site.
Why would I use GuestSwap instead of just going to the ‘Other’ sites to see a list of hotels, the rates, and then just book a room there?
WELL YOU COULD.... You can, and you probably HAVE used "OTHER" booking sites for over 20 years now. The problem is, those sites are based around getting your attention by posting the lowest rates -- not by communicating with you or creating value for your reservation! So, as a result, they have become a place where hotels only 'compete for placement' on the screen to get your attention with rates. There is NO real competition for you and your reservation operating like that. There is NO communication. There is NO real effort to win your business. It is just low rates. And, if you’ve booked a room online on those sites only to find it wasn’t quite what you wanted (or expected) when you got to the hotel, then you know exactly what we mean. Those "OTHER" sites 'worked' a long time ago. They met a need when the internet was new. However, twenty plus years later, it’s time for something better. We believe YOU should be in control, the way it used to be. We believe in competition and that hotels should actively seek to gain YOUR trust and humbly ask for YOUR business. We also believe they should offer you value, not just a low rate. In order to do that, you need to be able to let them know what you wish, want or expect, and they need to be able to communicate with you. Those OTHER booking websites – they just don’t have a platform designed or built for that. That’s why we are different and why we believe our system puts YOU back in control while also reinvigorating hospitality and hotel competition for YOU, the guest, based on VALUE, not low rates.
Is this the end of the FAQ?
YES! But just like Hollywood enjoys making endless sequels to movies and just as folks do continue to go and see them, so too might our FAQ section grow. So, if you REALLY like reading FAQs or if there is a question you had that just wasn’t here, then let us know. We will add it!